54 rue de Londres
Paris, France

8 Rue du parc
Lyon, France

Angle avenue Omar El Khayam et Boulevard Abderrahim Bouabid Etage 4, Bureaux 19 et 20, Casa Finance City
Casablanca, Maroc

1073, Rue Hamed E Ghazeli, Cité Monplaisir
Tunis, Tunisie

About us

A word from the president

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Our history

Hexagone Digitale based on a base of a work model with generalization hybrid
or full remote work and the choice of a partnership contract with the company

We were born within Station F 1st promotion in 2016 through the development of a skills-sharing model through the creation of a sourcing marketplace

In 2019, the company turned its model to build the ESN of tomorrow: agile organization at scale, unit sourcing or the provision of squads, a talent hub, the choice for teams to develop their technological expertise. and sectoral

Our difference is our culture and our way of doing things in order to support a business and technological projection of tomorrow; even the day after tomorrow.

Our organization

Hexagone Digitale is part of an extended business model,
innovative through its innovative, agile and distributed practices

Our tribes carry our know-how around our products, organized by self-organized product squads who choose to take up a common challenge and customer squads intended to provide the best service for our products. They naturally stimulate our brown Innovation, skills development and maintain the startup spirit.

As a reminder, Hexagone Digitale was born within Station F 1er promo.

All of these elements allow us to anticipate future changes by developing new concepts and offers and strengthen our positions and develop new innovative offers.

This approach allows us greater happiness for our employees and our customers.

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